We’re done winging it.

We’re done listening to advice from people who don’t listen to us.

We’re done suffering in silence because we’re told we aren’t in enough pain to be treated.

We’re done conforming to health standards that don’t work for us.

I created the Mind-Body METHOD™ to help leaders develop the tools you need to restore balance, master stress, and overcome overwhelm — once and for all.

Work with Me

Introducing: Balanced

Perfect for women in leadership positions who desire more balance and an improved sense of agency over their lives, private coaching offers an intimate container for you to enhance your mind-body awareness, feel empowered to advocate for yourself and your health, all while continuing to kick ass in your career.

Want the bottom line up front?

  • Six-month 1:1 coaching program

  • 12 biweekly coaching sessions (60 min. each)

  • Access to supplemental training & resources

  • $3,500 (payment plans available)

Are you ready to reduce stress, reclaim radical rest, and reconnect with your most powerful self?

(or keep scrolling for the details)

I don’t know about you…

But I’m tired of feeling exhausted. 

Tired of running on the hamster wheel and going nowhere. 

Tired of bending over backwards to support and please and provide for everyone – ready to snap in half at any moment. 

Tired of being told there is nothing wrong with me. It’s all in my head. I need to stop complaining because I’m not that fun to be around anymore. 

We deserve to feel empowered. 

Empowered to prioritize life over work.

Empowered to say “no, actually, I can’t add anything more to my plate.”

Empowered to seek help when we need it, and advocate for our needs to get the care we deserve. 

The Mind-Body METHOD™ will help you understand the intricate connection between your mind and body so you can practice mindful living and navigate stress in a structured way.

You deserve a balanced and fulfilling life that puts your well-being ahead of your work. You deserve to get your spark back.

How Coaching Works

The Mind-Body METHOD™ in Action

The key to making any lasting change is celebrating your progress along the way. Balanced is broken up into four milestones designed to help you celebrate how far you’ve come and look forward to the possibilities ahead.

Phase 1: Assessment & Goal Setting

Your wellness journey is unique, and we can’t get started without an understanding of where you are today. In this phase we will:

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of your current lifestyle and health status;

  • Collaborate to establish clear and realistic goals for our time together;

  • Cover an overview of lifestyle medicine principles.

Phase 1 concludes with a comprehensive and progressive plan to address your wellness needs, giving you a clear picture of what to expect on the journey ahead.

Phase 2: Personal Wellness Plan

Mindfulness, movement, and stress management serve as the three foundational elements of the Mind-Body METHOD™. In this phase we will:

  • Establish a daily mindfulness practice to help you stay present – no matter what your day throws at you;

  • Discuss the mental, physical, and emotional impacts of stress on your body, mind, spirit, and overall well-being; 

  • Discover movement routines that reconnect you to your body and soul. You, meet you again. ;

  • Explore strategies to manage work-related stress and improve work-life harmony. 

Phase 2 creates the foundation that allows you to reset your stress experience, reclaim your time and energy, and restore balance in your body and mind.

Phase 3: Lifestyle Transformation

After establishing a foundation in phase 2, we can further improve our well-being through sleep optimization, mindset shifts, and behavior change practices. In this phase we will:

  • Discuss sleep hygiene and how you can get more rest; 

  • Explore motivation, self-efficacy, and resilience;

  • Explore identity, boundaries, and self-advocacy in healthcare settings;

  • Take inventory of obstacles and habits that aren’t serving your well-being.

Time spent reflecting and experimenting in this phase will leave you with tools to optimize your sleep, adjust your mindset, and advocate for your unique needs to help you overcome obstacles and establish new habits.

Phase 4: Integration & Sustainability

After six months of individualized support and personalized guidance as you work through the Mind-Body METHOD™, it’s time to transition into life beyond the program.  In this phase we will:

  • Review your progress and celebrate the milestones you’ve achieved along the way;

  • Develop strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with stress;

  • Reclaim your personal agency and build trust in your intuition and decisions;

  • Explore ways to integrate learned habits into daily life for sustained health benefits. 

You’ll leave the program with a robust toolset to help you maintain healthy habits, prioritize your well-being, and flourish in every aspect of life.

What do you say — are you ready to get your spark back?


  • Health and Wellness Coaches support clients in activating internal strengths and external resources to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Health and Wellness Coaches use a client-centered approach wherein clients decide their goals, engage in self-discovery or active learning processes, and self-monitor behaviors to increase accountability, all within the context of an interpersonal relationship with a health coach.

  • Lifestyle medicine is a specialty that uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary modality to treat and prevent chronic health conditions. Lifestyle medicine-certified practitioners apply evidence-based, whole-person, prescriptive lifestyle change to treat and, when used intensively, often reverse such conditions. Applying the six pillars of lifestyle medicine—a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connections—also provides effective prevention for these conditions.

  • Coaches are certified practitioners that work in a variety of niches, including those not related to mental health or well-being. Therapists are licensed professionals that diagnose and treat mental health conditions. Both coaches and therapists work with clients to create lasting behavioral change, provide a safe space for exploration, and create a non-judgmental, supportive environment. Coaches focus on the present and future, while therapists focus mainly on the past and present. If you live with, or think you may have, a mental health condition, seek out support from a licensed therapist or mental health counselor. If you are looking to reduce stress, build mental fitness, work through challenging emotions, invest in your health and well-being, and become a better leader, coaching might be the best fit for you.

  • While every coaching engagement is different, we start by exploring your unique vision and goals. From there, we co-develop outcomes that you would like to achieve. In health coaching, this could look like reducing stress, getting back into an exercise routine, improving your sleep or nutrition, or managing your time and energy. Coaching is a client-led process; you get out of coaching what you put into it. I’m here for support, encouragement, and accountability, but the work during and between sessions is on you.

  • At this time, health coaches cannot bill health insurance companies for services. However, you may be able to use your flexible spending account (FSA) funds. Contact me to learn more.

  • The cost of the program is $3,500 paid in full. You can opt into a payment plan of 3 payments of $1200 or 6 payments of $600.